Commands for 1.12.2 Pack

Important notice: commands requiring a player must utilize the full player's in-game name, not nicknames.
Nicknames are always preceeded by a '~' sign.
  • List the message of the day:
  • Unalive yourself in-game:
  • View the in-game name of a nicknamed player:
    /realname [nickname]
  • Send mail to a player:
    /mail send [player] [message]
  • Read your mailbox:
    /mail read
  • Clear your mailbox:
    /mail clear
  • Send a player a private message:
    /msg [player]
  • Reply to the last private message you've received:
  • Send a message in the chat about yourself:
    /me [message]
  • Teleport to spawn (safe dimension):
  • Teleport to the Shop area
    /warp shops
  • Teleport to a random location in the Overworld:
  • Teleport to the last location you were at before teleporting:
  • Request a TP to another player:
    /tpa [player]
  • Cancel a TP request to another player:
  • Accept a TPA request from another player, teleporting them to you:
  • Deny a TPA request from another player, teleporting them to you:
  • Request a player to TP to your location:
    /tpahere [player]
  • Create a new home:
    /sethome [name]
  • Delete an existing home:
    /delhome [name]
  • Overwrite an existing home with a new location:
    /sethome -o [name]
  • Get a list of all your homes:
    /home list
  • Teleport to a home:
    /home [name]
  • List your available item kits:
  • Obtain starter items:
    /kit starter
  • Obtain a kit:
    /kit [kitname]
  • Get a list of used and remaining chunk loaders:
    /bcl bal
  • Get a list of your current chunk loaders:
    /bcl list
  • See your own in-game money balance:
  • Send a player in-game money:
    /pay [player] [amount]
  • Send a player Claim Blocks:
    /transferblocks [player] [amount]
  • Sell Claim Blocks to the server for $20 each:
    /sellblocks [amount]
  • Buy Claim Blocks from the server for $50 each:
    /buyblocks [amount]
  • Rent an available shop plot or extend an existing one:
  • Convert a chest containing 1 item, into a shop:
    /as create [price]
  • Update an existing shop's price:
    /as setprice [price]
  • Remove the shop from a chest you're looking at:
    /as remove
  • Make a claim by selecting two corners:
  • Entrust a player to your claim:
    /trust [player]
  • Remove a trusted player from your claim:
    /untrust [player]
  • Entrust a player to all your claims:
    /trustall [player]
  • Give a player enter access to your claim, doors and portals:
    /accesstrust [player]
  • Give a player access to your chests and containers:
    /containertrust [player]
  • Let a player entrust others to your claim:
    /trust [player] manager
  • Abandon the claim you're standing in:
    /abandonclaim [player]
  • Abandon all the claims you own:
  • Transfer a claim to another player if they have enough CBs:
    /transferclaim [player]

  • Generate a list of all your existing claims:
  • Swap to the GUI version of GriefDefender:
  • Adjust claimflags of the claim you're standing in:

  • Change to subdivision claim mode you're standing in:
  • Expand the claim you're standing in
    /claimexpand [radius] [direction]