FAQ for Hexlite PvP

Banned Items

#Item nameParent modBan reasons
0Ring of OdinBotania
1Acacia PodiumIce and Fire
2Dark Oak PodiumIce and Fire
3Jungle PodiumIce and Fire
4Spruce PodiumIce and Fire
5Birch PodiumIce and Fire
6Oak PodiumIce and Fire

Disabled Mods

Disabled Features

General Server Information

Server Info

  • Location / Timezone: Germany, GMT+2
  • Server Specifications: core i9-13900, 128GB DDR5, NVMe storage, Gbit uplink
  • Modpack Name: Hexlite PvP
  • Modpack Version: 0.98
  • Gameplay: Modded PvP, Survival, Hardcore

Backup Schedule

A full backup is made every Monday and Thursday morning, certain files are backed up every 4H, 6H or 24H.

Current Map

  • Launched on the 20th of September, 2024 with a map size of 10k x 10K

Server Configuration / Plugins / Mods

We do not share information on our server configuration, the plugins we use or the custom patches we apply for security reasons. We also do not offer assistance in hosting, setting up, configuring or troubleshooting your own server.

Modpack Info & Links

Be aware that modifications such as installing Optifine, texture packs or shaders can introduce instability issues and graphical glitches.

Staff Team:

Administrators and Ticket Agents:

Lantegra Darknife25

Miscellaneous Info

Loss of Items

Inventory rollback

There is no such thing as rolling back an inventory, because there is simply no way of telling if someone removed items out of their inventory and placed them in an ME system, a chest, traded them or sold them, with the malicious intent to then get a copy of those items back.

World rollback

There is no way to request a base, specific chunks or specific regions to be rolled back. Our server backups are only applicable to the full server, for the same reasons.

Item reimbursement conditions

We only reimburse players for lost items if the following conditions are met:

  1. Items were lost because of server lag, an unintended mod mechanic, a mod bug or server glitch; Items lost to negligence, because the region was not claimed or to intended game mechanics such as lava, cauldrons, crucibles, explosions or clearlag, are generally not eligible for reimbursement.
  2. The loss was captured on a video recording using game capture software such as OBS, Nvidia ShadowPlay or AMD Instant Replay. Without such proof, we can't know for sure that your claim is true, as players could be lying about a loss in an attempt to obtain free items from us. Proof of past ownership is not proof of loss. Just because you have a screenshot where you were once in possession of something, does not in any way make that screenshot proof that you did in fact lose it, rather than hide it, trade it, give it away or sell it.

If you meet our conditions, you may submit a ticket on our support platform with all the necessary details and attach video as proof, for us to help you further.

Loss of Botania Relics

All 6 Botania relics are only obtainable once from Dice of Fate after defeating Gaia, and because of the fact that they are tied to player advancements, cannot be re-obtained from new Dice of Fate. At our discretion we may choose to help you obtain lost relics once more, but we are not obliged to do so. If we find out that you lied to us, with the goal to possess more than 1 relic of a type at a time, you will be permanently banned.

Seasonal Resets

This server resets completely every 90 days.

  • Region files for all dimensions are deleted.
  • Player data, achievements and advancements are deleted.
  • Player inventories and enderchests are deleted.
  • Player ranks and subscriptions are not affected.

Seasonal Winner(s) will be chosen which may be rewarded with commemorative titles, items, ranks or other rewards.

Claiming & Chunk Loading

This is a PvP server with active combat and raiding.

There are no mods, plugins or ways to claim chunks, load chunks or forceload chunks beyond the capabilities of in-game items.


When you spawn for the first time, you are assigned a random 'Origin'. The interface letting you choose your own Origin the first time you play, is not real! You are no longer human and are instead a unique form with special abilities and traits, but also with debuffs and limitations that you must not underestimate.

You can check your current origin form using the command

You can read more about Origins and Origins++ which adds over 100 additional origins on the following links:

Unlike the mod pages and wiki:

  • You are not asked to pick an origin upon joining our server for the first time.
  • You cannot randomise your origin on our server via commands.

Randomising your Origin

This can only be done using an Origin Randomiser, which is a craftable item that can also be obtained from a special kit as part of the Onyxian Subscription Rank.

Balancing Origins

We understand that some Origin traits and abilities can be overly strong or condererably and negatively affect gameplay. We will monitor these and welcome you to report elements for us to review and possibly alter or disable. Please submit a support ticket to do so.